Money Making Programs

                  Online Money Making Programs 

There are several ways to earn money from Internet , This Page shows some of those programs 

1. how to Get Paid to Read Email (GPTRE)

Some companies will pay you just to receive and or read e-mail advertisements. You will
receive email pertaining to categories you select when you signup. You will have to click a link
in the email to be paid for it. Although some don't mention it, you should stay on the site for 15 -30 seconds to make sure you receive credit for the visit. The reason we list so many Paid to
Read companies is we believe they will continue to thrive even in the current advertising
recession. We suggest you sign up for all these programs. They're free and they don't require a
lot of effort to use. Consequently you will receive more emails and more money!

List of  GPTRE sites

2.   How to Get Paid to Click (GPTC)

Paid to click companies are good money earners. These companies will pay you to visit their
advertisers’ sites and to sign up for FREE offers from other advertisers. You can only visit so
many advertisers in a certain period of time; usually about a dozen advertisers in a 24-hour
period of time. This keeps people from visiting the same advertisers’ site over and over to rack
up money. This is the main reason we list so many of these companies. You can go down the
line and click all the advertisers from each site and make a substantial amount of money (Each
company has a different time you must spend on each advertiser’s site to get credit for it. We
recommend staying for 30 seconds to ensure you get proper credit).

List of GPTC sites

3.    How to Get Paid to Take Surveys

Survey sites are paid by companies to conduct surveys. The survey company then contacts
you by email informing you that a survey that matches your profile is available for you to fill
out. Surveys can take anywhere from 5 to 30 minutes and can pay you from $1 to $25 or more.
This all depends on the site, the length of the survey, and how fast the company paying for the
survey wants the results back. You do not have to complete every survey that matches your
profile. You can pick and choose which ones you fill out. You are under no obligation to fill out
any particular survey or all surveys sent to you.

List of Survey Sites 

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